- Dwell times for cargo bound for Toronto remain high as the inland terminals face congestion challenges;
- Fairview Terminal is receiving consistent rail supply to match current volumes;


The dwell is still high for all the terminals. Centerm and Delta have the worst performance, with dwell time more than 7 days;

Fairview Cove Terminal is at 3.1 days average dwell last week.
Atlantic Hub Terminal remains congested, with 5.9 days dwell time.


USA Long Beach

Seattle + Tacoma ( The Northwest Seaport Alliance)
Highlights & Updates
• PCT will have a limited gate Friday, 11/18. Contact ETS for more details.
• All terminals will be closed Thursday, 11/24 for the Thanksgiving holiday.
• T5 will be closed Friday, 11/25. For a complete list of next week’s gate schedules visit our website here.
• There is ample warehouse & transload capacity available across the gateway. Our monthly Warehouse &
Transload Availability report, which shows many providers with space, is found on page 3 and on the website here.
• The USDA’s Commodity Container Assistance Program (CCAP) is still available to exporters who use T46 and
West Hylebos Yard to stage export loads. More info on reimbursement and eligible commodities found here.
• At PCT Everport now requires all trucking companies to secure valid empty out appointments.
• Husky and PCT currently are not accepting TRAC or DCLI bare chassis drops until further notice.

Chassis Status
As of March 31st, the PNW Market Pool has transitioned to single-provider neutral pools to service the region:
o TRAC Intermodal operates the TRAC Pacific Northwest Pool (TPNP)
o DCLI operates the Direct Chassis Link Pool (DCLP)
• For more details on pool changes please visit our website for a Pacific Northwest Pool Operations Update
• If you have questions or would like further information on chassis in the PNW, please contact operators directly:
§ TRAC Intermodal: Cindy Davies, Director, Western Region
§ DCLI: Amy Hume, General Manager, Logistics West
§ FlexiVan/AIM: Susan Duran, Director, Western Region
§ Milestone: Sandra Magallanes, Account Executive, West Coast
• Chassis Start Stop Locations for The Northwest Seaport Alliance can be found on our website.
International Intermodal Service